Shaver Lake Create + Connect Retreat

My words are falling flat as I try to describe the experience, we all had this weekend, but Ill try my best...

We painted with our hands, we painted with brushes. We laughed, we cried. We created in our altered book journals, we relaxed & took naps. We learned about ourselves, we learned through each other. We lifted each other up, we validated our words with “me too’s” & “I’m here for you’s”. We hiked, we sat still. We danced; we took deep breaths. We went sledding on a donut! We connected to our inner creative selves, we built meaningful connections...we spent a weekend feeling trulyALIVE.Special shoutout toThe Sparkling Hippie for being my sidekick! Thank you.

Grateful for these amazing women who are doing the work & creating a life they love.


The Create + Connect Retreat taught us to have the strength and tools to step into and through the difficult times life has given us, to be able to find the beauty and joy among all of it. To be able to create something that keeps us grounded, something tangible and beautiful in its own way that shows us we’re not shattered pieces but whole and among warriors. -Cassandra

Putting my hands into cold wet paint with my eyes closed, showed me a place of “silence”. A silencing of all those negative voices in our heads and not “quiet” as the weekend was filled with the sounds and sites of women chatting, crying and encouraging each other that made my heart and soul zing and soar! I felt deeply seen for ME. -Julie

We started as a group of strangers and left as sisters. The retreat wasn’t about the bond though, that was an unintentional gift. It was about healing, stepping out of your comfort zone, delving into creativity and finding your soul. I felt renewed and a step closer to healing. -Nima

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