Prioritize PLAY
Prioritizing our own well-being helps us put our best foot forward as a parent, partner, and colleague. There are so many tips out there to boost your health & wellness, but building time in your schedule for FUN and PLAY often is low on the list. According to play expert, Dr. Stuart Brown, play is essential, particularly in tough times, we need to play more than ever, as it’s the very means by which we prepare for the unexpected, search out new solutions, and remain optimistic. I want to share five upcoming opportunities for “play as self-care” that will benefit you, your family, & your work! Just play along and join me! ;-)
1. PEACE & CALM Play doesn't have to be wild & boisterous, it can take the form of a restorative yoga practice or walk in the park. Self-care creates calm & calm can be contagious to the people around you (kids included!) Find your playful peace & calm by joining us for Yoga & Art Journaling on 4/26 at 10am & 5/24 at 6pm at Wisdom Mind + Body

2. QUALITY TIME Put down your phone. Remove all distractions. Let your mind wander wherever it needs to go. Let your inner child come out to play. Quality time with yourself is where ideas & imagination take root. Sign up for a 1:1 Art Journaling Session focused on you! A repeat client said our sessions are “like a delicious power nap!” She walks away refreshed and on fire for life!

Play can be more fun in numbers! One of the secrets to well-being and longevity is connection to your community. Come visit The Playful Space booth at the Blue Zones Project Kick Off Event on Saturday, 4/29 at Yokuts Park. 8am-12pm This family-friendly event will focus on BZP’s 4 Core principles of Eat Wisely, Right Outlook, Move Naturally and Connect.

The ultimate playful adventure is in the works for July 20-23! This year's Create + Connect Weekend Retreat will be hosted at Waypoint Ventura Luxury Vintage Trailers! Walking distance to the beach & downtown. All the creative activities & adventures…think summer camp with yummy food, wine, & a beach cruiser scavenger hunt! Join the interest list!
The ultimate playful adventure is in the works for July 20-23! This year's Create + Connect Weekend Retreat will be hosted at Waypoint Ventura Luxury Vintage Trailers! Walking distance to the beach & downtown. All the creative activities & adventures…think summer camp with yummy food, wine, & a beach cruiser scavenger hunt! Join the interest list!

If you look up the word “celebrate” in the dictionary it's defined as acknowledging something with a social gathering or enjoyable activity. Our 2nd annual CelebrateYOUpalooza with @bythatonegirl is way more than that! It is the ultimate day of PLAY…confetti, creativity, community, and of course champagne, because it's not a celebration without bubbly! CYP Alumni get a special rate and we welcome all newbie celebrationists! We have so much fun up our sleeves! 🤙 Save the Date for September 23, 2023! Follow @celebrateyoupalooza for more details!
If you look up the word “celebrate” in the dictionary it's defined as acknowledging something with a social gathering or enjoyable activity. Our 2nd annual CelebrateYOUpalooza with @bythatonegirl is way more than that! It is the ultimate day of PLAY…confetti, creativity, community, and of course champagne, because it's not a celebration without bubbly! CYP Alumni get a special rate and we welcome all newbie celebrationists! We have so much fun up our sleeves! 🤙 Save the Date for September 23, 2023! Follow @celebrateyoupalooza for more details!

Hope to play and create with you soon! It's good for your health!
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